Monday, July 13, 2015

Breakfast for a New Beginning

I have made something similar to this before but this breakfast I stepped up a notch. One of the first things I learned to do when I became a health nut was make these awesome breakfast muesli's. Since I feel like I am starting again at square one, I went back to basics and started my day making this nutrient dense concoction of health in a bowl.  

Chopped up some

  • pecans
  • walnuts
  • raw cashews
  • banana chips
On top of that I added chopped and peeled

  • apple 
  • bananas
  • blue berries (didn't chop or peel these)

Topped with

  • ground flax seed
  • hemp seed
  • soy milk 
  • drizzle of maple syrup

It was a pretty big breakfast in the end, took forever to eat it all.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Choosing to Chill

     I am fluid. I never stay the same person for very long. My interests change slowly over time as do my hobbies, attitudes, lifestyle. Most change has been very positive. Most has broadened my horizons, expanded my knowledge, my family, my state of being... and then there was CCNM. I started a Naturopathic Medical program a few years back and it seems to be changing me in ways I don't like. I am not the open minded, zen hippy I once was. Now I'm just a crazy person.
     We are not afforded many breaks in the program but we are inundated with more work then feels possible to do. Intense stress is my way of life. Waking up to palpitations, constant nausea, major digestive problems, and the general feeling that I am dying all the time have all followed me into summer. I was really looking forward to a break. I needed a break but we have licensing exams in August so no soup for me.
     The funny thing about the universe is that sometimes it intervenes. My brain stopped working for about a week, I had put in 6 weeks of work, had 4 to go and I lost a whole week, that is too much to catch up on. It appears as though I might fail. I am relieved.
     Coming to that simple realization and having the support of those who matter most to me has allowed me to start to heal. I am not stressed, at least not to that level and most physical symptoms disappeared within a few days! I was expecting it would take a year given how bad I felt.
     I find the universe tends to give me all I need if I get out of the way. I don't need to pass this test, there are great lessons in failing things and I am ready to embrace that now. I do need to be healthy and vibrant. I was a bright star and I will be again. As for the test, I study the parts I am most interested in and let the powers that be decide if it's enough.
     Sometimes the cost of "success" is just to high. My little dude is just so awesome I want to get as much time with him as I can. I want to grew my veggies and be creative and spend time with my husband. I want to do things where my body isn't trapped in a chair. So that is what I shall do. I will follow my heart out of the darkness I have created and re-enter the light.
     Namaste my Darlings.